For anyone interested in owning a unique piece of Phish history, I am
currently readying all of the drawings created for the Esther video for
sale on eBay. I will be setting up a series of auctions that will offer
for sale all of the 115 drawings still available, with the idea being to
stagger the auctions out over a period of weeks so that I will be able
to keep track of everything without being overwhelmed. This page will be
updated when the auctions are ready to begin, so check back over the
next few weeks and see which pieces are currently up for bid.
UPDATE 12/3/06: The next set of original art auctions are going up
on eBay tonight! As in the first round, anyone interested in bidding
should be able to find the frames which are being auctioned listed
under my eBay user name lifeofreilley. If that isn't working properly, just
search eBay for the listing title PHISH VIDEO "ESTHER" ORIGINAL ART. I've
modified the pattern slightly, in that I will be picking out selected frames
for auction rather than putting complete sequences of ten frames up at a time.
The auctions will run for seven days, but new pieces should be added during
the next couple of days, so that the auctions will end over a period of several days.
If you're looking for a unique holiday gift for a Phish fan in your life, look no further!
And as always, please write to me at snybakken99@gmail.com or life_of_reilley@hotmail.com
(my eBay e-mail address) if you have any questions.
In addition, while scanning the Esther drawings for this site I took the
opportunity to catalog some of my other work - primarily the color
studies I've made for my oil paintings, done in the same pastel chalk as
the Esther work. I've created a gallery for them, linked below, for your
perusal. I have no plans to put these up for auction, but if anyone is
interested in buying one of them I'll be happy to discuss it - just send
me a e-mail!